Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blame It, by Jamie Foxx

   Today, my group presented World War Two for the Perilous Times project. When creating the animoto(the slideshow summary of our presentation), our fearless leader Lauren wondered what song should play throughout it. Someone suggested "Blame It" by singer and actor Jamie Foxx. While this song is actually about the effects of alcohol, ("blame it on patron, got you in the zone"), we thought it would be clever because blame is such a reoccurring theme in WW2. We ended up using "Heard it Through the Grapevine" with a similar logic in mind. But the suggestion of "Blame It" got me thinking about how blame is so present in wars and troubled times. From the constant scapegoating of Jews in the Holocaust, to the vicious pointing of fingers in The Crucible, blame is rampant everywhere. It is, I think, one of the worst human qualities that people possess. Why would we turn against our friends and neighbors? Why would we lie, start rumors, and back-stab innocent people? The answer: to escape the blame, ourselves.

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