Bo'OC- Please assess Dancing With the Tea Party.
In my last meta-blog post, I stated that blogging is "harder than it looks." And while I think that still rings true, I also feel much more comfortable blogging now, and can enjoy it fully. I used to dread doing research because it tended to stress me out and confuse me, but this quarter I found that I actually love to do research to support my blogs. The difference between stressful researching and enjoyable researching is knowing what you're looking for. This past quarter, I provided much more context, quotes, and links in my posts to back up my mentioned current events. I was most proud of myself after writing Dancing With the Tea Party. I actually had fun going through articles online and discussing the issue with my mom, and avid watched of the show, as I mentioned in my post. True, no one commented on it, but that doesn't matter to me anymore. This quarter, I've realized that I can feel great about a piece of work I've accomplished, even if it's not getting attention. Another way I have loosened up in my blog posts this quarter is in length. I now feel free to write posts that vary from essay-long, to 6-line short (Quasi Republicans). I also blogged more often than required, not for a better grade, but because I actually had things to say.
To quote Sarah, "Semester One = survived, and completed ;)"
"The difference between stressful researching and enjoyable researching is knowing what you're looking for." A neat idea and certainly an argument for a different kind of research than what it typical.