They say that December 21st, 2012 will be the last day of the Earth's existence, effectively ending the existence of the human population, as well. This phenomenon has inspired the creation of movies such as 2012 starring John Cusack, and songs like 2012 by Jay Sean and Till the World Ends by Britney. Whether we're "gonna live like it's the end of the world," or "dancing till the world ends," is irrelevant in some people's opinions, as 2012 does not signify the actual end of the Earth, but rather a drastic transformation of some kind. According to an article (link) in Time Magazine, this change will be a "physical or spiritual" one. My mother, a believer in spirituality has inspired me and raised me on those beliefs. So I, too, believe that on this fateful day something will change within us. My hope is that it is a change for the better. Perhaps it will be the final elimination of racism, sexism, and general nonacceptance of others that still lives in our world. I say and hope this because I'm optimistic, but I'm also fairly realistic, and realize that this hope is a stretch. But if something significant really is going to happen, why can't we make it something positive? Rather than it being the world's death, maybe it will be its rebirth.
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